(+971)568130128, (+971) 568054727, (+971) 42592139, (+971) 45915838
PTC - Phlebotomy Technician Certification is accredited by THE AMCA, US; American Medical Certification Association, US. A phlebotomy career enables professionals to work with a wide variety of people and draw blood at hospitals and healthcare sites or even through unique types of jobs. For example, some phlebotomists might go from home to home to collect blood samples from life insurance applicants used in underwriting procedures to determine their eligibility and rates.
Phlebotomy course in Dubai are in high demand for nearly every healthcare facility. The US Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) shows that phlebotomy jobs are expected to grow 22% nationally and internationally between 2022 and 2030, much faster than the national average for all occupations at 4 percent in the same period (BLS 2021).
In that same decade, a staggering 28,800 new positions are anticipated in industries such as hospitals, medical and diagnostic laboratories, ambulatory healthcare, physician offices, and outpatient care centers. In addition, long-term care and home health jobs are also in high demand, and most phlebotomists work full-time.
A phlebotomy program career enables professionals to work with a wide variety of people and draw blood at hospitals and healthcare sites or even through unique types of jobs. For example, some phlebotomists might go from home to home to collect blood samples from life insurance applicants used in underwriting procedures to determine their eligibility and rates. A phlebotomy program career enables professionals to work with a wide variety of people and draw blood at hospitals and healthcare sites or even through unique types of jobs. For example, some phlebotomists might go from home to home to collect blood samples from life insurance applicants used in underwriting procedures to determine their eligibility and rates.
A phlebotomist is a healthcare worker who is trained to draw blood from patients. They do this to collect blood samples for medical tests, blood donations, or transfusions. Phlebotomists are good at using needles to safely and accurately collect blood. To become a phlebotomist, you have to take a phlebotomy training program or phlebotomy course in Dubai to learn the necessary skills and knowledge.