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OET is recognized by Regulatory Healthcare Bodies and Councils in Australia, United Kingdom, Ireland, New Zealand, Singapore and Dubai. Many hospitals and universities consider OET as evidence of a candidate’s effective communication skills in English OET is applicable only for healthcare professionals including Nurses and Doctors.
The list of professionals who can take the OET test is:
Nursing, Medicine, Dentistry, Pharmacy, Radiography, Dietetics, Optometry, Occupational Therapy, Podiatry, Physiotherapy, Speech Pathology & Veterinary Science.
Strong Point Training Institute aims to provide Best OET Training in Dubai.
Individual Assistance and Development are provided to all students. We want every professional to be 100% ready before they appear for the OET Exam.
- Writing (45 minutes).
- Speaking (approximately 20 minutes).
- Listening (approximately 50 minutes).
- Reading (60 minutes).
- OET uses real healthcare scenarios so you will feel more confident on test day.
- OET is widely recognized as proof of English proficiency for registration, study, and work in the healthcare sector, as well as for visas in some countries.
- OET Qualification helps you develop language skills for success in your career.
- Healthcare professionals who want to take an English test to work or study in healthcare in the UK, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, Ukraine, Dubai, Singapore, or Namibia.
- Healthcare Organizations who need to select healthcare professionals for work or study, or preparing students or recommending an English test and those who need OET Qualification.
- People who want OET Certification to migrate to western countries.
Each of the four sub-tests that make up OET is graded A to E, where A is the highest grade and E is the lowest.
A. Very high level of performance.
B. High level of performance, i.e. able to use English with fluency and accuracy adequate for professional needs.
C. Good level of performance; however, not acceptable to a range of health and medical councils.
D. Moderate level of performance; requires improvement.
E. Low level of performance; requires considerable improvement.